Monday, August 08, 2005

A place to start again

A place to start again
Wounded Tennessee vet readies himself for an altered life

By MICHAEL E. RUANE, The Washington Post
August 8, 2005

WASHINGTON -- The packing boxes scattered throughout Room 454 are filling with books, videos, clothes and gifts -- the amazing amount of things that piled up during eight months at the hotel. They will be shipped home first.
A few days later, Trish Autery will gather her suitcases, take some tissues to dry her tears and walk out the door that has a tiny American flag hung near its number.

And that will leave just Marine Lance Cpl. Ryan Autery, 20, the son she has cared for all these months, to pack what remains, close the door for the final time and catch a plane home, from Washington to Nashville.

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